Rates Expected To Go Up Next Week! If You Are Buying Message Me To Lock In Your Rate For 120 days!

  Friday, Jan 20, 2023



                                  The Bank of Canada’s new interest rate announcement is set for next week Weds Jan 25th. Most people suspect it will go up! If you plan on buying in the next 4 months and want to protect yourself by ensuring that you don’t pay any higher then the current rates, respond to this email and I will help you get locked in for 120 days!


You will still be able to shop around for other mortgages during this time and if rates eventually drop you are able to always take the lower rate.  However, locking in before a potential increase will guarantee that you don’t pay any higher than the posted rates!


There are some great opportunities in the market right now. If you need help finding a place let me know!


If you plan on Buying or Selling and need some guidance,

Here are 4 ways I can help you right now


1)Simply email or text me to strike up a dialog and tell me about your situation.

2)Book a home evaluation to find out what your home is worth. I can even do these virtually now over Facetime or Zoom. Let me know a few details about your home and we will go from there.

3) Lock in your mortgage rate for the next 4 months while you shop around. If rates go up, you still get the best rate! All I need is your name, phone number and email! Contact me and I’ll get you locked in!

4) Ask for my free 26-page pre-listing package filled with a number of tips to help your home show like a model home and a 30 day plan to get your home ready for the market.

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